Heyo. I guess I should post something here, shouldn't I? Anyway, I'm currently working on a Flash project called "Bob the Cat in Hunt 4 Zombies" featuring my character Bob, who is a tail-less cat. (Get it? Bob, because he has no tail... Aah, it was a lame joke anyway) You may recognize him, but chances are, unless you're in my animation class, you wouldn't. :U
It's my first time doing a full fluid animation using sound, and having backgrounds. I hope it turns out okay. If you want to see a WIP, drop me a message and I'll post it in the dumping grounds. I'm also thinking of starting a flash series called "Things that piss me off" after I'm done with Hunt 4 Zombies. IT WILL BE AN EPIC TALE OF CUTESY GOODNESS AND SUNSHINE.
That's about it, really.... I'm also working on prizes for a contest I recently hosted on deviantART, so that's cool too.
medli20 awaaaaaayyyyy!!! *whoosh*
Wow...I remember doing that as a kid. My box had wheels though. O.o